

Fight against the epidemic, we work together!
In the face of the epidemic, everyone is a threatened person and an actor in the fight against the epidemic.
To do a good job of protection is to be responsible for oneself, family and society.
Each of us is not only responsible for our own health, but also the guardian of the health of others. In the face of the epidemic, let’s wash hands and wear masks to protect the health of you and your family.
At the same time, if you come from the epidemic area or have a history of contact with the infected person, please actively cooperate with the relevant departments for medical observation; if you have fever, fatigue and other discomfort, please take the initiative to seek medical treatment.
Only by raising our vigilance and taking proper precautions can we effectively curb the spread of the epidemic. As long as we work together, our confidence and strength will lead us to the final victory of this war.


Theme: Fight against the novel coronavirus, let’s work together!
疫情面前,人人都是受威胁者,人人亦是抗击疫情的行动者。 做好防护,是对自己负责,也是对家人和社会负责。我们每个人既是自己健康的责任人,又是他人健康的守护者。
In the face of the novel coronavirus,everyone is at risk and everyone is an actor in the fight against the novel coronavirus,. Good protection, is responsible for their own, but also to the family and society. Each of us is responsible for our own health as well as the health of others.
疫情面前,让勤洗手、戴口罩的小习惯守护你和家人的大健康。 同时,如果你来自疫情发生地或者存在感染者接触史,请积极配合有关部门做好医学观察;如果你有发热、乏力等不适,请及时主动就医。
In the face of the novel coronavirus, let the small habit of washing your hands and wearing a mask protect your and your family’s great health. At the same time, if you are from a place where the novel coronabirus has occurred or have contact history with an infected person, please actively cooperate with relevant authorities for medical observation. If you have fever, fatigue or other discomfort, please take the initiative to seek medical advice.
Only when everyone is vigilant and on guard can the spread of the novel coronavirus be contained in the fastest and most effective way. As long as we care for each other sincerely, our confidence and strength will lead us to the final victory of this war.


上一篇 2020年8月12日
下一篇 2020年12月3日



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